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Mysore Royale


Mysore Royale

Mysore and Sandal are integral part of each other. It is no exaggeration at all to say ‘There is no Sandal save Mysore Sandal’. If the oil is distilled genuinely from wild Mysore Sandalwood, that creamy, lactic, elegantly fresh woody tone cannot be found anywhere else.

If pure wild Mysore Sandal is artisanally distilled in a copper still and glass condenser, the oil will definitely be Mysore Royale.
Wood to distill oil is the fruit of the efforts I put in during the last two years. Acquired and burnt so many batches and kinds of woods to reach what could be worth naming Royale. Remember, genuine Mysore Sandal cannot be found by making calls or being good at digital hunting. Even having ample funds won’t ensure acquiring genuine Mysore. Strange is the fact that even the govt. procures Sandal from different areas other than Mysore but sells as Mysore.

Thanks to a hospitable and generous resident of Mysore District, collector of pure and genuine Mysore Sandal, who tried the artisanal sandal oils I had with me and then took me to his home and made me fondle those divine logs to try genuine Mysore, and then let me heat chunks, and on request, let go a few kilos.

Next step was to decide how to distill such rare wood. Copper Still! It was a daring step and a truly wild idea to distill it in a newly forged copper still, but a glass condenser. The moment oil got collecting in the separator, the distillery was filled with mesmerizing Mysore Sandal aroma. Don’t ask me about the time this creative distillation took!

48 consecutive days! But the oil collected is worth the untiring efforts. It is the bench-mark sort of Mysore Sandal oil, replete with high voltage Mysore signature. It is literally Supernova blast as one tinniest droplet would cast lasting Mysore spell, and the whole self gets basked into divine and just divine fragrance.


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